We started with Kmart parking lot, nothing, then Safeway, nothing, then continued up the mountain. We went everywhere we could think of, we even asked perfect strangers if they "happened" to have any spare kittens laying around! Everyone just told us to check the Humane Society. Which we finally did. Now if you know me, then you know that I have never lived animals, and the fact that we have a dog and cat is pretty amazing. However, overtime I have grown soft, okay maybe just softer to animals. *We are a stictly outside pet family* Anyway we make our way through the smelly dog kennels and past the even worse smelling puppy kennels and finally make it into the kitten room. (did not smell at all, I don't know how, but it didn't) Anyway my girls were instantly oooing and aahing over the little kittens. One may or may not have caught my eye as well. Paige instantly fell in love with this adorable, oh wait I mean kinda cute looking Calico cat. Then the begging to adopt it started, "Mom, I will use my own money, "I love this cat" "I want this cat, can I please adopt this cat?" Which I wasn't about to let her do, even though quite honestly I wanted it to!! Anyway, we get they guy to come and let us hold the kittens, as he is opening up the cages he says, you know the kittens are 2 for 1! Paige's eyes lit up, now her Calico was half price! As soon as he said that I knew we were going home with a kitten for Madison and one for us! So we filled out all the paperwork, and off we went. I have never been more excited and more nervous to give a birthday gift in all my life. I mean I knew Madison would love it, but I also knew that I would have to talk her parents into letting her keep it!!
I am mad I don't have any pictures of how it all went down, but Buck brings the kitten in a wrapped box in the midst of Madison opening all her presents. She can't beleive it, Rob and Melissa give me looks of "are you serious, and Melissa says "Is this a joke?" It all happened so fast!! They were good sports about it, and Madison called Buck yesterday to let him know how much she loves her kitten, and tell him they were going to the pet store to get some more "stuff" for it. Anyway, it was fun. Rob says to me "Paybacks are a *****! We won't be inviting them to any upcoming birthday parties!
Other pictures from Labor Day Weekend. We took the kids on a little train ride. This guy has made this train all through his property, it is really cool. The kids had fun. If you want to go, it is right before you get to the stop light by Taco Bell in Show Low. Their are signs out, it is on Saturday-Sunday. It's free he takes Donations only to cover his expenses. (thanks for letting us know about Angela)
Just so you know ALLY is NOT invited to Jade's birthday this year.
You are one brave woman, funny joke but NOT funny pulled on me of course :) hehe
That train is soo cool huh. Can you imagine all the time it must have taken him to build it? FREE, donations only! Even better :)
That is the funniest story!!! I told Dust to come read it. And happy happy anniversary to you and Buck! We are glad we know both of you! side note- Dusty and Buck were talking about Buck being "girl trapped" and he said well at least they are all cute, I have that going for me. And Dusty said I don't know if that is such a good thing Buck. And he agreed that it wasn't going to be so great in a few years!
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