Today I am thankful for help. I was feeling really overwhelmed today, laundry that needs to be folded and put away, vaccuuming, preparing clothes for Sunday, cleaning up from Ally's party (at this very moment there are still 4's and elephants hanging from my ceiling), grocery shopping for Buck's hunt, (actually he doesn't have a tag, but 4 of his buddies do, and he is going along to help) making green chili burritos for his hunt, oh and did I mention having to stop and breastfeed, and did I mention picking up clothes, Marley has gone from her Saturday play clothes, to a princess outfit for a birthday party, back to play clothes, then because it was 54 degrees outside she decided it was nice day to put on a swim suit and go lay out in the sun! So that of course meant that Ally had to also! All this time feeling overwhelmed because Buck is leaving at 6:00am tomorrow morning, which means I have to teach our primary class alone, get the girls ready alone,etc. Anyway it was just all getting to me (is someone playing the worlds smallest violin for me?) Well Buck could see my frustration and so could Linda. Soooooo, Linda offered to take the baby for me tonight so I could get a good nights sleep before Buck left, and Buck being the little peach that he is, told me that he could leave on Monday morning instead of Sunday morning because one of his buddies isn't going till then. And that he will help me do anything I need before he goes. WHEW! did you get all that? Anyway, as soon as he said that I instantly felt better and just wanted to cry truthfully. So the list of things for me to do hasn't change, but my attitude has knowing that I have HELP.